Harps, Voice, Piano, Accordion, & Tiny Artworks
Have you always dreamed of playing the harp? Jesse Autumn has 20 years of teaching experience with all ages, helping students make their dream a reality. Private lessons are accessible online for students around the world via FaceTime, Skype or Zoom, or in-person in New Orleans, LA.
Private lessons for harp & piano. Music for weddings, parties & corporate events. Harp for studio recordings. Workshops for music camps & conferences. Artistic direction for special performances. Ensemble coaching & Harp Orchestra.
From dreamy surrealist chamber/folk to exquisite Double Harp - from eclectic world rhythms to sultry Harp & Saxophone jazz pop duets, Jesse explores many passions through her voice & instruments.
Thoughts on music, art, teaching and travel, as well as updates on upcoming projects and performances in the works.
Our Practice
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We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.
— Blandit Lectus
A Top 10 Service
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